To prepare God’s workers in Cambodia to fulfill the Great Commission since 1992

The Bachelor in Christian Ministry (BCM) and Bachelor of Theology (BTh) at PPBS are accredited by the Asia Theological Association

Programs at PPBS


Extension Education

Bible classes offered around Cambodia

Why choose PPBS


Students and faculty from various evangelical denominations


First accredited Bible School in Cambodia
by Asia Theological Association

Theology in Khmer

Taught in Khmer for the Cambodian context


“Before coming to PPBS, I would simply read the Bible, and frequently I would not understand what a certain verse meant. But studying at PPBS improved my comprehension as the teachers showed me how to study the Bible more thoroughly. Through my studies at PPBS I have gotten closer to God.”
Heang Tong, a first-year part-time student
“I learned a lot from my studies at PPBS and as a result I have a desire to use my talents to serve God. I learned how to grow in faith and follow God more closely. I now know the core beliefs of Christianity and so can avoid being duped by false teachings. Also at PPBS I learned how to reach out to my neighbors with the gospel.”
Chan Thavy, PPBS alumni
“I was able to grow closer to Jesus and have a deeper understanding of the Scriptures thanks to my studies at Phnom Penh Bible School. Although serving God can be challenging at times, His Word always inspires me to remain strong in my faith and in my service. I believe that going to Bible School has helped me to continue serving God in many different ways.”
Seng Sokchenda, BTh graduate, current MACM student

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